Sunday 10 January 2016

Life updates

1. I went to Bali in December. Feel free to click here to enjoy some of the exclusive views and amazing experiences in Bali.

2. I've been reading quite a few books. Been trying to brush up my English to get myself a smoothly pathway in college.

3. I've finally taken up driver's license lesson and just passed my computer test.

4. I went countdown with my friend (nigga) at a bistro. It was quite an astonishing and gawping experience.

5. My friends came to my house and we baked. It was disastrous lmao. Nonetheless, we got to catch up and had fun.

6. My long lost friend dropped by my house and we had a few talks. Get to catch up with each other after 1009000 years.

7. I got to catch up with my childhood friend as well. We bonded strongly ever since the holidays.

8. I got offered to 2 jobs in 1u : Asics and Nike. Due to college, I had to turn the two jobs now even though I got offered very high income. (1800 MYR per month. With commission, I may earn up to 3000 a month! How lucrative is that!)

9. Yup, I'm in college now. I'll write about my life in college on my next post.

10. everyday I'm so gratified and pleased that I get to live on earth. Amen to that.

Extras: first day of lecture commences. Anxious yet excited at the same time...